
These are anonymous comments left after attending the program


Masterclass + Workshop

London, UK

"Bijan took us through the Storytelling workshop with incredible patience and support. He challenged our team to think outside the box, to try out new styles of presentations, and he gave us concrete examples and tips applicable to real-life situations. Apart from the masterclass itself on day 1, the workshop sessions on day 2 were most useful. We learned some key 'Slides' skills and were able to try our hand at applying our learning from the previous day on our presentations (as a team activity).

Overall, this masterclass is a must for anyone that works in a company. Bijan is an excellent facilitator."



Sydney, Australia

"Bijan is an excellent facilitator, and the training was the perfect mix of background theory, actionable items, and the practice session, where we would apply the things that we learned. I think this is a very relevant training given the overload of information we are surrounded by in our day to day work - regardless of the role. After all, we are part of the information-technology-industry. This training gives proper guidance and actionable frameworks on how to be heard in a world where the amount of information distracts from what is essential and the actual problem we are trying to solve. I highly recommend this training. Thanks so much for making this available to us!"

Finance team

Masterclass + Workshop

Sunnyvale, California

"I feel like I had a button reset in my brain! This workshop inspired me and helped me engage with that feeling of creativity again. It will undoubtedly be something that I'll be including in my working life, a precious bit of training here that everyone must take. This new skill will not only help me in my work but will also help Google inspire users."

Eng+UX team


Mountain View, California

"By far THE BEST session I have ever attended in my tenure (8+ years) @ Google. Bijan and his content were absolutely amazing!!!

It was an exceptionally well-crafted MASTERPIECE. It would be beneficial if we can have Bijan deliver this to our current leadership teams across functions. Particularly mid-level management lack storytelling skills, which can help us shine and sell our work to our cross-functional partners."

Irish students


Dublin, Ireland

"It was an amazing session!! The facilitator managed to keep a clear structure, set focus, keep the audience engaged by Q&A after each block, and have clear short statements. Content: very well prepared and conveying the message to the group - ensuring it sticks! 5-star training. Also significant, he managed to build the bridge to our everyday business and how storytelling skills can improve this."

SAles team


Istanbul, Turkey

"I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking it's going to be a general high-level templatized presentation. The class was fantastic and well worth the three hours invested. I could have easily spent more time with Bijan. He is a remarkable speaker. I don't remember a time when I've been this mentally engaged and inspired in a training class. Not only was it fascinating during the course, but there was plenty of practical advice to take away and practice in real life."

Whole office

Masterclass + Workshop

London, United Kingdom

"Probably, this training has been one of the most inspiring and insightful ones I have ever had since I joined Google. The training was crystal clear, the answers to the audience were perfect, and the structure of the training makes you want it to last forever. Thank you, Bijan, for teaching me how important communication with clients is, and even more critical: clarity, preparation, and emotions!"

Whole office


Paris, France

"On Training Impact: There are many pieces of training at Google about presentation skills, but this training opened up a new mindset about how to create impactful presentations, not necessarily in the Google standard template.

On Training Content: At a point, training talks about presenting complex data with clarity. Presentations that are super complex to understand, sometimes are perceived awesome as no one could question the data complexity. It would be good to have this training to be made mandatory for decision-makers."

Whole office


Warsaw, Poland

"I enjoyed this class so much! The division of topics into three core areas with a clear connection and build throughout, thanks to Bijan, made it easy to digest and see how to use the course concepts. Further, Bijan's energy and practicing what he was preaching, in terms of the actual delivery for this session, really drove it home. Facilitating is a talent, and Bijan nails it - particularly in the area of inscribing questions meaningfully, honestly, and in a way that further ads value to the course."

ENg+UX teams


Zurich, Switzerland

"Thanks for the session! Lots of food for thought. I was at Amazon before joining Google and had trouble adapting to slides in a company that tells you they don't care about slide design. Great to get a refreshed perspective on presentations. Quite a few buzzwords and phrases, but those do get you engaged and thinking. I will recommend it to my colleagues."

Whole office


Tel Aviv, Israel

"The training was amazing. I took so many notes about presenting, how to better communicate something to clients, etc. I particularly liked the first part because it had a lot of practical advice that I can use every day in my job. I loved the idea about the white screen, no numbers on the slides and starting preparing your meeting not from making a deck, but from creating a story. I'm definitely trying all of them in my next big pitch.

Overall, great experience! I'd even do it again."


Masterclass + workshop

Tel Aviv, Israel

"The training was AMAZING! The best training in storytelling/presentation skills I have attended. The slides tips and how to wrap the content in a way that will touch your audience will help me improve my presentation and have more impact.

It will help me be more comfortable when presenting. Thanks to Bijan's tips and explanations on how and why your mind reacts the way it does, it will be easier to manage my stress and body language!"

UX conference


Beirut, Lebanon

"This session was fantastic, engaging, educational, and FUN from beginning to end. The time flew by, and I learned lots of great tips and tricks :) Thank you so much for sharing your PASSION, your WISDOM, and your PERSONALITY with us - the whole thing was immensely inspiring. I work in training full-time and am allergic to long lectures on a given topic - so I'm ten times more impressed by this session as Bijan managed to keep me engaged throughout. He managed to interact with and engage the audience through Q&A, helping people assimilate the content in another way."

All teams


Stockholm, Sweden

"This masterclass is a super refreshing training at Google. I did a couple of presentation training already, so I have to say the content was not entirely new for me. Still, it was a great way to remember the principles of an excellent presentation, and I think it's a great one for all tech companies. Bijan was a great presenter/trainer, very funny, at the same time provoking about how we do things sometimes inefficiently (internal meetings, for example), and I would recommend this masterclass to everyone!"